Powder extinguisher 2 kg
Powder extinguisher 2 kg

Powder extinguisher 2 kg

Powder extinguisher 2 kg filled with monoammonium phosphate based extinguishing powder,.. Read more
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  • Algrima sandėlis
  • Savanorių pr. 163, Kaunas
  • Šilutės pl. 2, Klaipėda
  • Panerių g. 39, Vilnius
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Item description

Powder extinguisher 2 kg filled with monoammonium phosphate based extinguishing powder, suitable for all types of fires.

Class A fires are the most common fires involving common materials such as wood, paper, rubber, plastic or textiles.

Class B fires are liquids that burn: petrol, alcohol, varnish or grease.

Class C fires - burning gases: hydrogen, acetylene, hydrocarbons.

Extinguisher model: MG-2. Extinguishing agent: extinguishing powder ABC 40%. Extinguishing agent: N2. Intended use: extinguishing automobile fires. Can extinguish electrical equipment up to 1000 V. Fire is caused by three factors: combustible material, heat and oxygen. The fire is extinguished by the removal of any one of the three components. Powder extinguishers are based on ABC 40% extinguishing powder which, when sprayed on the fire, 'smothers' the flame and thus separates the oxygen. If the fire is larger, extinguish it with several extinguishers simultaneously.


LST EN 3-7+A1:2007 ir LST EN 3-10:2010
Filler weight
2 kg
Extinguisher weight
3,52 kg
Duration of operation
9,0 s
Temperature limits
-30°C/+60 °C
13A, 55B and C
Powder extinguisher 2 kg

Powder extinguisher 2 kg
